Several types of accommodation are available near Northwestern University.

Bed and Breakfasts  Hostels  Hotels   Crash Space


Homestead Inn
1625 Hinman Ave.
(847) 475-3300
single $75
doubles $?
includes breakfast
approx. 7 minute walk from campus

Remen's Bed and Breakfast
1316 Judson Ave.
(847) 328-8966
single $55
double $65
includes breakfast
approx 15 minute walk from campus

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Chicago International Hostel
6318 N. Winthrop
Chicago, IL 60660
(773) 262-1011

$13.00 (rooms not private)
Must have valid picture ID (from outside Chicago)

Located near the Loyola train stop, between Sheridan
and Rosemont Ave on Winthrop, just south of Loyola
University (about 15 minutes by car, 35 minutes by el from NU).

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Holiday Inn
1501 Sherman Ave.
(847) 491-6400
$134 for up to 4 people
approx. 15 minute walk from campus

The Margarita European Inn
1566 Oak Ave.
(847) 869-2273
1-person room with shared bath: $70
2-person room with shared bath: $75
1-person room with own bath: $90-135
(add $10 for each additional person)
approx. 20 minute walk from campus

Omni Hotel Orrington
1710 Orrington Ave.
(847) 866-8700
approx. 10 minute walk from campus

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Crash space is available on a first-come, first-served basis, with presenters receiving priority over non-presenters. To get on the list for crash space, please email us at [...].

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